We believe you and your family deserve the highest quality, dependable maintenance that can be provided. We offer a full range of services to meet your needs.
Founded on integrity.
Call Us Now: (815) 981-8954

Family Owned & Operated
Northern Illinois Septic Service, Inc. has been in business since 2008. With over 22 years of experience, NISS is certified to monitor your wastewater system as required by the Illinois Department of Public Health, Boone, Lake, Kane, Will & Winnebago County Health Departments.

Service and Maintenance
Northern Illinois Septic Service, Inc. offers a choice of service/maintenance contracts. We sell, service, and repair most aerobic and septic treatment plants, mechanical systems, aerators and lift stations including Clearstream, Multi-Flo and Sybr-Aer.
Ask about your system brand!

Do's & Dont's of Septic
Many problems with onsite septic systems exist because owners are unaware of the results their daily practices have on these systems. It is the owner’s responsibility to operate the wastewater treatment system to and to keep maintenance to a minimum and ensure high effluent quality.